The festival of Rakshabandhan, which falls on the full moon of Shravan month, is celebrated with joy and gaiety all over the country. This beautiful festival is a symbol of the sacred relationship and unbreakable love shared between siblings. Rakhi is undoubtedly one of the most sentimental and significant festivals, which every brother and sister eagerly waits for the whole year. This one-day celebration is associated with their heartwarming relationship, commemorating some sour-sweet quarrels and lovely memories of brothers and sisters. During childhood, there were fights and squabbles between siblings over small things, but still, they sprinkle their lives on each other. In this way, the festival of Rakshabandhan reminds us of their golden moments spent together and strengthened the foundation of their unique relationship.
In this share, we are providing you such an amazing and popular collection of Rakhi poems on this holy festival, which you will feel very pleasant and wonderful after reading them. Along with this, we also hope that you will definitely like some of these poems dedicated to the significance of Raksha Bandhan and the relationship between brothers and sisters. You can use these poems to showcase your love and affection to your brothers and sisters through What’s App, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Just choose any of these Rakshabandhan poems and put it as the status. Your siblings will surely love it.
So, without any further ado, have a look at this list of popular Raksha Bandhan poems given below and infuse happiness in the Raksha Bandhan celebration 2023.Table of Contents
Rakhi Festival Poems in English
No one in this world cannot be impressed with a nice sentimental poem. It is rightly said that “Everywhere I go, I find that a poet has been there before me.” If you really want to make someone feel special, there could be no better option than sending a nice poem as poetries touch hearts and connect souls more effectively than mere words. If at this Rakhi festival, you will not get a chance to celebrate it with your dearest brothers, you can send him a poem written straight from the heart. So, this Rakhi, don’t just send Rakhi for brother, but also make the festival more jovial with nice poetry for Rakshabandhan.
In this share, we have curated a list of the best Rakhi poem for brothers and sisters in English so that you can express your heartfelt love more expressively. So, let us have a look:
1. A Sister is Forever – Bruce B. Wilmer
“A sister’s a sister forever,
A bond that diminishes never,,
A friend who is kindly and caring,,
A sibling God chooses for sharing.,
Few ties as deep and profound,
And with so much affection abound,
Though some thoughts are seldom expressed,
Love endures and survives every test.,
Of the constants that rest in the heart,,
A sister’s a primary part.,
She’ll always be there when you need her,
You listen, you value, you heed her.,
As growth, independence you ponder,,
Your feelings grow deeper and fonder;,
And life tells you one thing that is true:,
A sister’s a large part of you.”
Rakhi Day is Righteous Day – A.P.J.Abdul Kalam
“This full moon day our hearts are in brim
Feeling of faith and serenity in mind.
We light the lamps and our hears glow
Radiance of happiness and peace are in flow.
Harmonious homes are like streams of joy
Flowing and flourishing the landscape en route.
Nobility in heart and character in deed
Righteous homes alone make a beautiful State.
Sisters will tie the thread on the brothers
Abiding them to do only what is right and clean.
Put the Kumkum and blessed rice on the head
Where will dwell right thoughts and noble action.”
3. A Sister Like You – Kamal Gowda
“Someone who will understand
Who knows the way I feel
In every situation
Her concern is very real
Someone who has walked my ways
Who knows my every need
Times when she would see me cry
Her heart would nearly bleed
Everyone should have a sister
Just the way I do
Richly blessed is what I am
To have a sister like you
A Sister is Forever
A sister’s a sister forever,
A bond that diminishes never,
A friend who is kindly and caring,
A sibling God chooses for sharing.
Few ties as deep and profound
And with so much affection abound
Though some thoughts are seldom expressed
Love endures and survives every test.
Of the constants that rest in the heart,
A sister’s a primary part.
She’ll always be there when you need her-
You listen, you value, you heed her.
As growth, independence you ponder,
Your feelings grow deeper and fonder;
And life tells you one thing that is true:
A sister’s a large part of you.”
4. A Brother Just Like You – Alex
“I just want to let you know
You mean the world to me
Only a heart as dear as yours
Would give so unselfishly
The many things you’ve done
All the times that you were there
Help me know deep down inside
How much you really care
Even though I might not say
I appreciate all you do
Richly blessed is how I feel
Having a brother just like you”
5. Sibling Love – Ann Stareyes
“Growing up as kids we were blessed
To have come from a loving home
Parents that guided and loved us
And never did us wrong.
We had a beautiful childhood
Many memories we all hold
We’ve always had that sibling bond
That’s more precious than gold.
Mom and Dad had it hard
Raising six kids way back then
But we never went hungry or unclothed
And their love was Heaven sent.
I’m thankful that we were loved
Something money could never buy
This was the richness that filled our hearts
Because Mom and Dad always tried.
Now as I’m getting older
I’ve learnt to appreciate things much more
I’m thankful we loved each other
And each one of you I adore.
Today I want to say to each of you
I Love You with my whole heart
I’ll Love You beyond this lifetime
And my love will never stop.”
6. The sun and the moon – Nylee
“My love for my brother
is like an ocean
But when I see him,
I turn into tidal waves.
The only one I’d ever fight with and for
My brother is the sun, I am the moon
Together in this universe,
the constants for one another.”
7. The Gift of Rakhi
“Raksha Bandhan
A tie of protection
Is the festival of brother and sister
On this auspicious day
Sister ties Rakhi
On the right wrist of brother
Offer sweets
Prays for long
Prosperous life
Of her brother
Brother also offer gifts
Wishes for her delightful life
Full of peace and prosperity
Pledges for protection
Throughout her life
This festival is observed
On the day of full moon of shravana
Which is now going on
Every year
The love of a brother
And a sister
Is a divine thought
Full of tranquillity
And serenity
My rakhi is dedicated
To all my lovely sisters
I invite the world
To observe this day
As the day of love
For brother and sister
Must ensure
To tie rakhi
On your brother’s
Right wrist and pray.”
Rakshabandhan Poems in Hindi
If you are one such person who is not good with words and hence always lags when it comes to expressing your heart feelings, a nice expressive poem can be your easy-to-go option. Here, we have listed some of the best and popular Hindi poems on Rakhi, through which your emotions can be conveyed a lot more effectively. The Hindi language is always considered as one of the best ways to describe fine emotions eloquently. When you send any of these special Rakhi poems to your siblings, they would feel very special and loved at the Rakhi festival.
So, on Rakshabandhan 2023, make sure to include the Hindi Rakhi poems for sister and brother along with Rakhi gifts to make this one-day occasion more special and fill with lots and lots of happiness.
8. राखी आयी खुशियां लायी
“राखी आयी खुशियां लायी
बहन आज फूलें न समाई
रखी, रोली और मिठाई
इन सब से थाली खूब सजाई !
बांधे भाई के कलाई पे धागा
भाई से लेती हैं वादा
रखी की लाज भैया निभाना
बहन को कभी भूल न जाना !
भाई देता बहन को वचन
दुःख उसके सब कर लेंगा हरन
भाई बहन का प्यार हैं
त्यौहार रखी का न्यारा हैं!”
9. प्रसिद्ध पद – सूरदास
“राखी बांधत जसोदा मैया।
विविध सिंगार किये पटभूषण, पुनि पुनि लेत बलैया ॥
हाथन लीये थार मुदित मन, कुमकुम अक्षत मांझ धरैया।
तिलक करत आरती उतारत अति हरख हरख मन भैया ॥
बदन चूमि चुचकारत अतिहि भरि भरि धरे पकवान मिठैया ।
नाना भांत भोग आगे धर, कहत लेहु दोउ मैया॥
नरनारी सब आय मिली तहां निरखत नंद ललैया ।
सूरदास गिरिधर चिर जीयो गोकुल बजत बधैया ॥“
10. भैया मेरे
“अच्छे भैया मेरे…
सबसे प्यारे भैया मेरे…
तुम हो मेरे रखवाले…
मुझसे ये राखी बन्धवाले…
तेरे साथ मैं चलूँगी..
मेरे साथ तुम चलना…
तेरी रक्षा मैं करुगी..
मेरी रक्षा तुम करना..
राखी का ये बंधन प्यारा..
इस बंधन को बांधे रखना..
टूटे ना रिश्तो का धागा…
मजबूत अपने इरादे रखना…
जब मैं तुमसे रूठ जाऊं..
तो तुम मुझे मनाना..
जब-जब मैं रोऊँ..
तुम मुझे हंसाना..
मेरे भैया दूर ना जाना..
मुझसे तुम राखी बंधवाना..
प्यारे प्यारे भैया मेरे …
सबसे अच्छे भैया मेरे…”
11. राखी
“हर सावन में आती राखी,
बहना से मिलवाती राखी…
चाँद सितारों की चमकीली,
कलाई को कर जाती राखी…
जो भूले से भी ना भूले,
मनभावन क्षण लाती राखी,
अटूट-प्रेम का भाव धागे से
हर घर में बिखराती राखी…
सारे जग की मूल्यवान
चीजों से बढकर भाती राखी…
सदा बहन की रक्षा करना,
भाई को बतलाती राखी…”
12. प्रीत के धागों के बंधन में
“प्रीत के धागों के बंधन में,
स्नेह का उमड़ा रहा संसार
सारे जग में सबसे सच्चा
होता भाई बहन का प्यार
नन्हे भैया का है कहना
राखी बंधो प्यारी बहना
सावन की मस्तिली फुहार
मधुरित संगीत सुनती है
मेघो की ढोल ताप पर,
वसुंधरा मुस्कुराती है
आया सावन का महिना
राखी बांधो प्यारी बहना
धरती ने चंदा मामा को
इन्द्रधनुष राखी पहनाई
बिजली चमकी खुशियों से,
रिमझिम जी ने झड़ी लगाई
राजी खुशी सदा तुम रहना
राखी बांधो प्यारी बहना”
Short Poems for Rakshabandhan
This generation can also be categorized under the “Social Media Driven Generation” category as we people love to feed our Insta stories before feeding ourselves. Social media has become the newest way of connecting with loved ones easily and effortlessly. Sending letters can take quite a long time, but when you have What’s App or Instagram with you, you can send wishes and messages in a jiffy. We have curated this list having short Rakhi poems in Hindi and English for your siblings. You can use these poems to embellish your Rakshabandhan greeting cards. Also, you can post these as Rakshabandhan What’s App status to wish your loved ones on this lovely occasion.
So, let us have a look at what else we have in our Rakshabandhan poem collection 2023:
13. “A part of my soul, a part of my heart,
Dear Brother, we are together in spirit even when apart
You guide me for every step I take,
And stop me before I make a mistake,
With my Rakhi, I send you love
that will bring you health and good luck.”
14. “चंदन का टीका रेशम का धागा;
सावन की सुगंध बारिश की फुहार;
भाई की उम्मीद बहना का प्यार;
मुबारक हो आपको रक्षा-बंधन का त्योहार”
15. My Sister and Me
“We laugh,
we cry,
we make time fly.
Best friends are we
my sister and me.”
16. “भाई बहन का शुभ दिन है आज
कलाई पर सजा है राखी का ताज
बहना की आँखों में है बहुत प्यार
भाई के हाथों मिलेगा आज उपहार
रक्षा करेगा भाई देता है वचन
यूं ही साथ रहेंगे हर जनम
आओ मिलकर खाएं हम मिठाई
रक्षा बंधन की सबको बधाई”
17. “You were there for me when I was young,
You were there to protect me when I was adventurous,
You were there to guide me when I was confused,
I am what I am because of you and all I want to say is Thank you.
I tie this Rakhi and pray for you,
May you have good health and remain strong,
Achieve prosperity and live for long.”
18. “बहन का प्यार जुदाई से कम नहीं होता
अगर वो दूर भी जाए तो ग़म नहीं होता”
19. “आज का दिन बहुत ख़ास है
बहना के लिए बहुत कुछ मेरे पास है
तेरे सुकून की खातिर ओ बहना
तेरा भाई हमेशा तेरे पास है”
20. Raksha Bandhan Poem – Prasoon Joshi
“She, who might be younger to you in age,
but cares for you no less than a parent.
She, who leaves the door quietly open
when she knows you are coming in late.
She, who only smiles dismissing what you are saying,
knowing very well that they are lies….”
21. “किसी के ज़ख़्म पर चाहत से पट्टी कौन बाँधेगा
अगर बहनें नहीं होंगी तो राखी कौन बाँधेगा”
22. “याद है हमारा वो बचपन,
वो लड़ना – झगड़ना और वो मना लेना,
यही होता है भाई – बहन का प्यार,
और इसी प्यार को बढ़ाने के लिए आ रहा है
रक्षा बंधन का त्यौहार”
Final Words
Now, you can very easily pen down some of the finest poems and send them to your brother or sister as a Raksha Bandhan present. Your dearest brothers and sisters would, of course, be highly pleased to receive such a thoughtful and priceless Rakhi gift. A nice poem along with a designer Rakhi will surely move your brother’s heart. has the ideal accompaniments for your Rakhi poems in terms of the most delightful and amazing Raksha Bandhan gifts, the latest Rakhi collection, and Rakhi Puja Thali as well. You can send silver Rakhi online paired with cakes, chocolates, sweets, plants, greeting cards, and personalized gifts to make this festival super special for your beloved brother.

Sakshi Ecavade is our in-house content developer having a good understanding about the gifting industry. She creates quality content surrounding flowers, chocolates, plants, cakes, and other products which makes excellent gifts for the people. Accurate and authentic information is what she tries to deliver through her blogs.