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Good Friday 2022 Wishes, Messages, and Quotes

Good Friday 2022 Wishes, Messages, and Quotes

Good Friday 2022

Easter Sunday is considered as a joyful celebration of Christ’s resurrection in the Christian religion. It’s also a joyous occasion for many non-Christians, with colorful eggs, Easter bunnies, and a plethora of delicious goodies. However, only a few days before Easter, there is a much more solemn occasion people love to celebrate, Good Friday. Good Friday is a pivotal day of Holy Week, which begins on Palm Sunday and concludes on Easter Sunday. Briefly, Good Friday commemorates Christ’s crucifixion and death. On this day, many Christians remember Christ’s atonement for their sins.

Here, we’ll address some of your questions regarding this significant day in Christian history: When is Good Friday? What exactly is Good Friday? What is the significance of Good Friday? What are the best Good Friday wishes and messages? What are the best gifts online for Easter & Good Friday?

When is Good Friday 2022?

When is Good Friday 2022

Good Friday 2022: It is thought that Jesus suffered and died for human sins. As a result, this day is commemorated to seek forgiveness for one’s transgressions. Every year, Good Friday falls on the Friday before Easter Sunday. In 2022, Good Friday will be on April 15.

What is Good Friday? Meaning & Significance of Good Friday

Good Friday marks the start of the conclusion of Holy Week, the final week of Lent. The final three days of Holy Week are known as the “Triduum,” or “Three Days” and they remember Jesus’ trial, death, and resurrection. The Triduum begins on Holy Thursday or “Maundy Thursday” (the day before Good Friday) and concludes on Easter Sunday evening. Good Friday is a solemn day for penance and commemoration of Christ’s sacrifice. However, the darkness of Good Friday permits Christians to rejoice in the resurrection on Easter Sunday. The Church of England defines Good Friday’s twofold purpose as follows:

Good Friday celebrates Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and death. Many Christian faiths, including Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, and Methodists, observe this day of serious meditation. Because Good Friday falls on the Friday before Easter, the date varies from year to year. Many Christians mark the day with prayer and fasting. Good Friday is observed in the Roman Catholic faith by performing the Stations of the Cross and other devotional prayers. People send each other gift hampers online for happy Good Friday celebrations.

Unlike the Christian festivals of Easter and Christmas, Good Friday has not become secularized. For centuries, it has been a solemn day of religious meditation for Christians all across the world. But, now, people love to celebrate the special occasions of Easter and Good Friday across the world.

Good Friday Wishes

Good Friday Wishes

No special occasion is complete without sending warm wishes and affectionate messages. The same goes for the Good Friday celebration 2022. Here, we curated a list of happy Good Friday wishes 2022. Share these with your family, friends, and loved ones to make them feel special on this special day of Jesus Crist. Please share them on social media with the hashtag #HappyGoodFriday.

  1. Your heart may be filled with heavenly bliss and holy desires through the love of Jesus. God bless you and yours on this holy Good Friday.
  2. I wish you God’s blessing in every aspect of your life. Be faithful to the promises you are making to your loved ones. Aim high for your goals and do everything in your power to achieve them. Wish you and your family a very Happy Good Friday!
  3. Because he accepted us in himself, Jesus Christ bore all suffering in silence. May we be able to return the same courtesy to him. May your Good Friday be blessed.
  4. It is impossible for Good Friday 2022 to arrive before Holy Thursday 2022 or after Holy Friday 2022. So, make sure to make the most of it. Happy Good Friday to you!
  5. Good Friday is a beautiful day because it reminds us that we are important to the great Lord. May you have a divine Good Friday with your family and friends.
  6. During the days leading up to the cross, Jesus made a decision. Instead of going to heaven without you, he would rather go to hell for you. Happy Good Friday.
  7. Best wishes on Good Friday! This Good Friday, may God bless you with a blissful start to your life. May God fill you with good things on this holy day.
  8. We pray that our Savior blesses you always and that you give him the highest place in your heart. Have a blessed Good Friday with your loved ones.
  9. As I pray to the Lord, I pray that he always keeps you safe and surrounds your life with love, happiness, and eternal peace. Wishing you a holy and blessed Good Friday.
  10. To holy people, the positive name of Jesus may be a name to feed upon, a reputation to transport. A name that raises the dead resurrects the living and beautifies the living. Have a wonderful Good Friday ahead!
  11. Good Friday isn’t cheered up by dinner and festivities. It’s the presence of friends and family members that makes a difference. Have a blessed Good Friday 2022!
  12. Let Jesus forgive you for all your sins on Good Friday, then take his blessings to kick-start a happy life with your family and friends. Happy Good Friday 2022 to everyone!
  13. On the momentous occasion of Good Friday 2022, the most virtuous thing you can do is exercise kindness and generosity in Jesus’ name!
  14. Good Friday is a day that contains both happy and sorrowful aspects. It is a moment to rejoice and recall the Lord’s sacrifices, as well as a time to mourn for all of mankind’s sins. Good Friday, everyone!
  15. The Cross of Jesus Christ was the genuine embodiment of divine love, yet it was also a symbol of humanity’s poisonous side.

Good Friday Messages

Good Friday Messages

Messages that contain your feelings, emotions, and affection are just perfect for showcasing your warm regards to your dear ones on the special occasion of Good Friday 2022. This is the reason why we have curated this list, having the 15 best messages for Good Friday for a cheerful, joyful, and blessed celebration.

  1. He paved the road for all of humanity by sacrificing himself. Let us pour out love, peace, and kindness on this holiest of occasions. Have a wonderful Friday!
  2. When you have no hatred or desire in your heart, praying in front of him always works. Have a peaceful and joyful Good Friday celebration!
  3. With his many gifts, you may discover silver linings in the darkest of times, love in the midst of outrageous hatred, and serenity in the midst of chaos. Have a wonderful Friday!
  4. On this Good Friday, may you pray for others’ success, wealth, and happiness! On this Good Friday, God bless you abundantly!
  5. I see the Lord and his heavenly light reflected in you when I love you totally. May you understand the significance of making sacrifices and fighting for others. I hope you have a wonderful Friday!
  6. May the unconditional, infinite, and incomprehensible love of Jesus Christ flood your heart with love for the rest of your life. Continue to do good, and amazing things will begin to happen in your life sooner or later. I wish everyone a wonderful Friday!
  7. Good Friday is a great day to commemorate the ultimate lord’s sacrifices and to preach the message of love, kindness, and peace. All of you have a blessed Good Friday!
  8. Whether you like it or not, Beautiful Friday is a great time to talk about and practice hope, kindness, love, and all the good things in life. Despite his crucifixion, Jesus preached a message of love and peace.
  9. Lord Jesus’ grace on his children is so great that every time he pours it down every time we ask for a drop. Everyone has a blessed Good Friday!
  10. All of the world’s great rulers established their kingdoms via the use of force. Only Jesus Christ established his kingdom on the basis of love and kindness. I wish you a great Good Friday!
  11. May the Lord’s mercy and grace surround you and your family on this Good Friday. Do well and be a decent person.
  12. One day, darkness will engulf the entire planet, devouring humans from inside. However, the Lord Jesus will rise again, and his holy light will dispel all darkness. Everyone has a blessed Good Friday!
  13. Lord Jesus has written the promise of resurrection in literature and in every particle of our world.
  14. May you begin the holy day of Good Friday with real prayers with family and friends, fasting, and laughter so that God may pour pity and kindness on humanity. Good Friday, everyone!
  15. On Good Friday 2022, link hands with your loved ones and chant Lord Jesus’ name, have trust in him, be devoted to him, and witness your life prevail.

Good Friday Quotes

Good Friday Quotes

Famous words from famous and known personalities give a completely new definition to human life. Here, in this list, we have included some best, and happy Good Friday quotes 2022 to help you enhance your Good Friday greeting card.

  1. Good Friday is a contraction derived from what was originally called ‘God’s Friday.’ – Deland Scott Anderson.
  2. Good Friday marks the slaying of our Jesus. The unblemished lamb is the perfect sacrifice. He took our guilt and blame upon Himself, so we could be with Him in paradise.
  3. “What is good about Good Friday? Why isn’t it called Bad Friday? Because out of the appallingly bad came what was inexpressibly good. And the good trumps the bad, because though the bad was temporary, the good is eternal.” -Randy Alcorn.
  4. Good Friday is all about praying through your heart for the betterment of the entire humanity and the upliftment of poor ones. Happy Good Friday 2022!
  5. The only way to witness or experience God’s presence on this planet is to make people smile with your noble acts. The more you make others happy; the more his love will shower on you. Have an enchanting good Friday celebration!
  6. “It costs God nothing, so far as we know, to create nice things, but to convert rebellious wills cost Him crucifixion.” ― C. S. Lewis.
  7. Good Friday is a day of sorrow mingled with joy. It is a time to grieve over the sin of man and to meditate and rejoice upon God’s love in giving His only Son for the redemption of sin. -David Katski
  8. By the cross, we, too, are crucified with Christ; but alive in Christ. We are no more rebels but servants; no more servants, but sons! – Frederic William Farrar
  9. God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, bled, and died, God said to the world, ‘I love you.’ – Billy Graham.
  10. “Our old history ends with the cross; our new history begins with the resurrection.” -Watchman Nee.
  11. The beauty of the cross and our crucified Lord cannot be easily fathomed by the human mind or by barely reading scriptures in bits but by a careful reading of entire scripture in the spirit, which will, in turn, engulf one with wisdom and love. – Henrietta Newton Martin
  12. In this sublime hour, therefore, He calls all His children to the pulpit of the Cross, and every word He says to them is set down for an eternal publication and an undying consolation. – Fulton J. Sheen
  13. “I believe in person to person. Every person is Christ to me, and since there is only one Jesus, that person is the one person in the world at that moment.” –Mother Teresa. Read more Inspirational Mother Teresa Quotes To Express Unconditional Love.
  14. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son. – John 3:16
  15. Catholics often choose Good Friday, a day of fast to strengthen their faith, repent for their wrongdoings, and forgive those who have wronged them. -Fr Alvito Fernandes


With these Good Friday quotes, wishes, and messages, don’t forget to include special spiritual gifts for your loved ones from an online store like

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