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Designer Rakhi: A Perfect Example of Contemporary Art Crafted on Thread of Love!

Designer Rakhi: A Perfect Example of Contemporary Art Crafted on Thread of Love!

Are you bit fussy in selecting a Rakhi for your brother? Well that’s not just you rather every sister turns fussy when it comes to choose that sacred thread of love for her loving brother. Thus we at Giftalove have come up with a range of most beautifully crafted Rakhis among which Designer Rakhi range is one of the best seller options.

Brother-Sister bond is nurtured and strengthened with feelings of love and care but despite that Rakhi is another thing that cements the bond of love and care shared between brother and sister. Every year on the festival of Raksha Bandhan sister ties the sacred Rakhi thread on brother’s wrist. It is a ritual that sister performs for protection of her brother from evil forces.

rakhi 2016
Earlier, it was the ritual of tying a simple thread on brother’s wrist but over the course of time, this thread of love and blessings has also undergone many changes. Therefore days before the celebration of Raksha Bandhan, beautifully designed and crafted Rakhis are available everywhere around at nearby marketplaces. But why to take the pain of venturing here and there in the search of most beautiful Rakhi when Giftalove is here with its exclusive Rakhi range? Simply make your visit at the portal that has amazing Designer Rakhi range to offer, such as:

Designer Pearl Rakhi:
If your wish is to tie pearly white designer Rakhi then beautifully designed and crafted Designer Pearl Rakhi range is the one you must choose for your dearest brother. The designer pearl Rakhi are best of pearl Rakhi range as it comes in designer or contemporary patterns.

Designer Pearl Rakhi
Designer Zardosi Rakhi:
Zardosi Rakhis are much preferred choice among sister of every age to get their brother’s wrist adorned with. And when they come in designer patterns they turn out to be Designer Zardosi which is again an amazing choice to make and adorn wrist on the day of Raksha Bandhan.

Designer Zardosi Rakhi

Designer Auspicious Rakhi:
If you want blessings of God be with your brother everywhere then a designer Auspicious Rakhi is an excellent Rakhi choice to make. At the portal there is amazing choices for Auspicious Rakhi in the exclusive catalogue of online Designer Rakhis. Explore it.

Designer Auspicious Rakhi (2)

Designer Silver Rakhi:
One of the most trending Rakhi varieties these days are Silver Rakhis. When it gets crafted in designer patterns it turns out to be Designer Silver Rakhis that is much loved by all. The dazzling shimmer of Silver Rakhis clubbed with fabulous design patterns makes it an excellent Rakhi choice to impress brother.

Designer Silver Rakhi
So when Designer Rakhi range itself has to offer so many choices then why to look up for any other range. Hurry to buy a beautiful Designer Rakhi online for dearest brother at Giftalove! You can also explore amazing ranges of Kundan Rakhi, Bracelet Rakhi, Auspicious Rakhi, Stone Studded Rakhi, Mauli Rakhi, Lumba Rakhi and much more. There is also the facility to buy and send Rakhi to India and worldwide. So hurry to visit the amazing Rakhi range online at the portal and place order for Rakhi delivery in India and abroad.

For more designer rakhi visit at

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