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Breathe Fresh and Healthy Air by Growing these 7 Air Purifying Plants at Home

Breathe Fresh and Healthy Air by Growing these 7 Air Purifying Plants at Home

One thing that is bothering everyone during this time of the year despite all the excitement of approaching Diwali is the depreciating air quality around us. And, if you are a resident of Delhi or other metro cities of the country, this one thing might be a reason to worry. But, the good news is – you can help yourself in breathing fresh and healthy air by growing air purifying plants.

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Also Read:- Top 8 Air Purifying Plants that will Cleanse the Air inside Your Home

Nurturing little green plants is one of the most satisfying things. Despite giving a classic appeal to your indoors and outdoors, plants proffer good amount of oxygen in the air you breathe. However, with rising worry of deteriorating air quality, people are now becoming more into indoor planting thing. The reason is simple, to make the indoor air clean with a good amount of oxygen and lessen bacterial or harmful elements in it.

Thanks to nature in gifting us some very valuable plants that can actually help us to save a lot in air purifiers which are actually not much help in making the air clean despite they are been highly advertised. But, not every plant is helpful in this regards, there are some specific plants that are actually helpful in making the air clean to varying levels. These are –


One of the beautiful ways of breathing clean air at home is by growing Dracaena plant inside. This is one of the popular air purifying plants that help in eliminating pollutants. Moreover, the long and slender green leaves of this plant make it a beautiful plant to add into the appeal of the home decor. You will definitely love planting Dracaena a lot for both the reasons.
Dracaena (Pleomele)
Eliminates: xylene, benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene


Areca Palm

Also referred as Bamboo Palm or Butterfly Palm, the Areca Palm tree does an excellent job in purifying the indoor air. In fact, the plant possesses the capability of purifying the air from different and very harmful pollutants like carbon monoxide, formaldehydes and benzene. Moreover, growing Areca Palm indoors also proves beneficial for being natural humidifier as it produces a liter of ambient water every 24 hours. Therefore, it’s an excellent plant for the ones with breathing problems or during the dry weather.
Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)
Eliminates: carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, chloroform, benzene, xylene and more

Areca Palm

Snake Plant

Besides the quirky looking leaves, snake plant possesses great value in nature. For those willing to breather fresh air indoors during the time of the year when the air is extremely polluted outside, plantation of snake plant indoors can help in reducing or eliminating toxic formaldehyde present in the air. Also, it reduces the levels of xylene in the air.
Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)
Eliminates: nitrogen oxide, trichloroethylene, xylene, benzene, and formaldehyde

Snake Plant

Money Plant

One of the most powerful air purifying plants that can purify the air inside your house in the most effective manner is money plant. On planting Money plant that is scientifically referred to as Epipremnum aureum, one can easily clean the air of pollutants comprising benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, and trichloroethylene. Furthermore, this easiest to maintain plant beautifully add into the appeal of the home décor.
Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum)
Eliminates: xylene, benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene

Money Plant

Spider Plant

Another very easy to grow houseplants to make your air free from pollutants is the Spider plant. Therefore it’s an excellent plant for the beginners or for many forgetful plant owners. On being placed under bright but indirect sunlight, spider plants will grow with shoots with flowers on it that further grow into baby spider plant. The major way it contributes to cleaning the inside air that you breathe is by eliminating or reducing the levels of formaldehyde and xylene pollutants from the air.
Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
Eliminates: formaldehyde and xylene

Spider Plant

Aleo Vera Plant

We all are aware of some very serious health claims of having Aloe Vera plant at home. Apart from being great for skin and wellness, Aleo Vera plant proves great in absorbing formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide present in the air. Bonus, it is one of the easiest to maintain plants to have at home with wide-ranging benefits.
Aleo Vera Plant (A.barbadensis)
Eliminates: formaldehyde, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide

Aleo Vera Plant

Peace Lilies

Being a plant with beautiful flowers, Peace Lily plant will be loved by you to keep inside your home as it will definitely beautify your home décor. However, this easy to grow plant cannot be judged on being a little small plant as it is packed with many major air-purifying abilities. In fact, placement of 15-18 of these in a 500 sq. m area is enough to purify the air inside. Therefore, toxins like formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from the air are eliminated on placing peace lilies.
Peace Lily Plant (Spathiphyllum)
Eliminates: formaldehyde and trichloroethylenePeace Lilies

Hope, you liked the information on 7 most preferred air purifying plants ( that are extremely helpful in making the air clean and healthy to breathe. You can buy such wonderful plants from your local plant shop or online. Here at, you can also find a great variety of indoor plants that help in purifying the air and making it healthy for us to breathe.

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