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How Fathers Become Shapers of Children’s Success Stories?

How Fathers Become Shapers of Children’s Success Stories?

“The quality of a father can be seen in the goals, dreams and aspirations he sets not only for himself, but for his family.” – Reed Markham

In an era, where movies like “Bhoothnath” and “102 Not Out” implying the miseries which a father, in the contemporary world, has to go through at the hands of his children are conceptualized and bring forth, it is high time for self-realization. As we say, movies are just the reflection of what happens in society, we are forced to accept this harsh reality with our naked eyes. On the other hand, the films like “Piku” is a beautiful manifestation of a father-daughter relationship which sets an example for the youth of today of how children can become parents to their own parents in their old age. We must understand that a father is a significant figure bestowed upon mankind by God and it is our responsibility to appreciate and take care of them.


The presence of a father is crucial in a person’s life. He is like roots of a tree which keeps the family firmly grounded and in a stable position. He is like the strongest sense of support and a guiding force for his children who always hold their hands and show them the right path to success and achievements. A father shares his own life experiences to make them acquainted with the reality and cast real-life examples in front of them to help them carve their own niche in society. This Father’s Day, make him feel super special and exceptional with your loving and caring gestures and let him know how special he is to you.

Here, we have listed some important parameters that make a father a shaper of his children’s accomplishments-

1. Being Open-Minded

What makes a father a great father is going ahead with the changes in times! Being a traditional father, who is more of a rule-maker, and whose presence in the house creates fear in the minds of children and a lacuna between them. A good father is the one who accepts the transitions happening in the society and makes his children move forward in life imbibing them. He creates a fear-free zone in his home for his children and makes himself accessible to them in all the situations that come in their life.

2. A Good Disciplinarian

Showering just immense love and affection on children and fulfilling his children’s needs is not just the duty of a good father, but also infusing punctuality and discipline in their lives. Children are like soft dough which can be molded in any form. So, imbuing right moral values and discipline in his children is every father’s job. A father must use the power of his words rather than his hands on his children to make a valid point in front of them. He must strongly condemn their misdeeds and punish them in the right way.

3. A Bond of Trust & Security

A father-children relationship is based on trust and security. Children feel a strong sense of security in the presence of their father and a bond of trust gets developed among them. They believe that their father will never leave their side and support them in every walk of life. A father is the most righteous person in their life and imbibing this belief in his children is the mountainous task that a good father achieves.

4. A Source of Encouragement

Whether his children succeeds or fails in any of their ventures, a father is always a source of continuous encouragement for them. Marking his presence in all their endeavors gives them a boost of confidence to perform better in their tasks. A father dances in their success and uplifts their mood in their failures and motivates them to better next time.

5. A Patient Listener

The definition of a good father includes being a patient listener to their children. He takes out time to listen to his children and gives them complete attention to understand their perspective. This creates a mutual understanding between them and makes him understand his children better.

6. Fulfills their Needs

A father is the ones who carry the burden of the entire family on his shoulders without actually considering a liability. He is the most selfless person on this earth who strives to give his family a better standard of life without compromising on their needs. But, he should also make them understand the value of money and how hard he works to give them such a comfortable life.

7. Let Children Commit Mistakes

A person learns the best from his or her mistakes. A good father is the one who let his children commit mistakes and then wait to teach them a lesson from them. The life experiences are the best teachers for a person and making mistakes motivates a person to overcome them by making improvements. But, a father makes it a point that such mistakes will not be tolerated in the future.

8. Make Children Value Things

Blindly fulfilling all the needs of children does not come within the responsibilities of a father. There has to be balanced which must be maintained by a father to make them value and cherish what they have. Be it food or education, make them realize the importance of money and things which are accessible to them but not to others.

9. A Perfect Example

Children are like the shadows of their parents. The home environment and the values given to them by parents decide what kind of individuals they will become in the future. A father must be the one who must set himself as an ideal example in front of his children. A friendly atmosphere at home which is filled with happiness and laughter, life skills to deal with difficult situations in life, respecting women, and many others makes a father a perfect role model for children.

10. Being Supportive

A good father always supports his children and promotes their interests rather than pressurizing them with his own wills. He makes every effort to polish the skills of his children to help them achieve their goals in life. He supports and respects their decisions and act as a safety net to protect them from adversities that come in their paths.

11. Gives Time to Children

In this busy world, the best gift that fathers can give to children is their valuable time. A good father spends quality time with their children and makes homework fun for them. He encourages them to involve in fun indoor and outdoor games which help in the development of their personalities rather than just watching television or surfing the internet endless on phones.

12. Challenges his Kids

A father works hard day and night to make his children flourish in their careers. He challenges their capabilities and helps them successfully complete the challenges. The challenges may involve setbacks, but with continuous motivation, the children will learn to overcome such conflicts on their own and help them grow in life.

13. Express Unconditional Love

Loving his children unconditionally is the greatest quality of a father. He may sometimes feel unsatisfied with the performance of his children, but his love for them never fades away. A father will always love his children no matter how worse they perform in their academics or life.

14. Being the Best Mentor

A father keeps giving his children loads of life lessons to his children to help them overcome the different situation in life. He quotes real-life examples in front of them and also makes them acknowledge the harsh realities of life. He makes then understand how to deal with situations while maintaining the calm and redirecting energies for the good.

15. Being Protective

A wonderful daddy protects his kids from the adversities of life creating clear protective boundaries in their best interest. He makes them aware of the harsh consequences which they have to face in case they choose the wrong path in life. A father makes sure that he inculcates all the life lessons which he has garnered from his own experiences in his children like a legacy so that even in his absence, they can conquer the world.

After learning about the sacrifices and efforts a father puts in his children, you must be more in love with your father. This Father’s Day, make your loving and caring dad feel your love and respect with your Father’s Day gifts and thank him for everything he has done for you. There is no one who can assume the place of a father, so, have a blast this Father’s Day 2019 with the widest range of gifts from

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