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100 Happy Holi Wishes, Messages, & Quotes in Hindi & English!!

100 Happy Holi Wishes, Messages, & Quotes in Hindi & English!!

Holi wishes and messages

Holi is considered the second biggest Indian festival after Diwali. The “Festival of Colors” is a once-a-year festivity celebrated with fun and ubiquitous colors. As we step into the Holi celebration zone, hearts fill with zeal and enthusiasm. Some start decorating home; some indulged in preparing delicious Holi delicacies, while some people get into the shoes to choose the best ways of wishing and sending greetings for Holi to their near and dear ones. No festival is complete without the compulsively loving gift sending ceremony. For all our special and close fellows who will not be with us to enjoy the great Holi celebration, send Holi gifts online to them to make this day a special one for them as well.

With the advent of technologies, everything has become simpler and easier, from sending gifts online to wishing your friends and families a Happy Holi 2021 with loving Holi wishes and messages. You can send messages, and Holi quotes to your beloved from your mobile phone or can embellish your Holi greeting card with some words of blissfulness and blessings. Several ways are there to send your warm Holi greetings to your dear ones. One thing that is not easy is finding some loving and heartfelt wishes and messages for Holi through which you can showcase your love in the best ever way.

So, without any further ado, let us have a look at some of the best and heart-touching Holi greetings 2021:

Inspirational Holi Messages and Quotes

Holi comes once a year, signifies the victory of good over evil. Make this Holi a new beginning in your life and your loved ones as well with some inspirational words. Have a look at these special inspirational Holi messages and send them to your friends and family.

Inspirational Holi Messages and Quotes

1. On this Holi, Burn your ego and ill thoughts with Holika. I wish you a very Happy Holi!

2. This Holi, give your best to forget all your pains and worries and get drenched in colors of happiness and blissfulness. Happy Holi!

3. May God gift you and your family with the blissful colors of happiness! Happy Holi!

4. Let the vibrant colors of Holi spread the message of happiness, joy, and peace! Wishing you and your family a very happy and bright Holi!

5. Holi is the day to express love with bright colors. Holi is the time to showcase the sweetest

affection for loved ones. May this Holi fill your life with happy colors of love and blessings! I wish everyone a very happy and colorful Holi!

6. Make Holi a special time of the year by remembering close ones to our hearts with splashing colors! Happy Holi to one and all!

7. I hope the blissful festival of Holi burns all the negativity in your life and brings positivity. Wishing you and your family a very happy Holi!

8. Let us make this pandemic Holi special with vibrant colors and a warm hug! Happy Holi!

9. I pray to God that Holi fills your life with vibrant colors and positivity. Happy Holi to you, dear friend!

10. Wishing you and your family a vibrant and fabulous Holi. May the festival brings happiness and positivity to your life. Happy Holi!

Holi Quotes in English

In this pandemic, the best way to celebrate Holi 2021 is to send some famous and popular happy Holi quotes with a beautiful Holi greeting. Gifts are an indispensable part of every festivity and celebration, and on Holi too, everyone wishes each other by sending Holi wishes. Have a look at the best 10 Holi quotes in English:

Holi Quotes in English

1. “Holi is a special time of year to remember those who are close to our hearts with splashing colors!”

2. “Holi is the apt time to break the ice, renew relationships and link yourself with those that you wanted to with a bit of color.”

3. “Holi is the day to express love with colors. It is a time to show affection. All the colors that are on you are of love.”

4. “Dipped in hues of love and trust has come the festival of Holi.”

5. “A true and caring relation doesn’t have to speak loud; a soft message is just enough to express the heartiest feelings. Enjoy the festival of Holi with a lot of fun.”

6. “May God gift you all the colors of life, colors of joy, colors of happiness, colors of friendship, colors of love and all other colors you want to paint in your life. Happy Holi.”

7. “Let the colors of Holi spread the message of peace and happiness.”

8. “Holi is a time to reach out with the colors of joy. It is the time to love and forgive. It is the time expresses the happiness of being loved and to be loved through colors.”

9. “Make merry with colors on Holi and the rest of the days with the colors of love.”

10. “From the lanes of Mathura and Vrindavana, the colors of Holi have spread all over the country. These colors also carry the message of love, brotherhood, and truth. So whenever you splash Holi colors on somebody, you give him a promise of being truthful towards him always, maintain brotherhood with him lifelong and shower him with all the possible love throughout your life.”

Holi Quotes in Hindi

These top 10 Holi quotes in Hindi will make your Holi festival more special and help you express love to your dear ones specially and uniquely. Send of these Hindi Holi quotes for saying “होली की बहुत सारी शुभकामनायें!”

Holi Quotes in Hindi

1. रंगों का दिन आया,
पिचकारियों को संग लाया|
पकवानों की शाम लाया,
अपनों को पास लाया |

2. राधा के संग कृष्णा की होली,
लायी है प्रेम की बोली|
रंगीले आसमानों से भरी होली,
लायी है खुशियों की टोली|

3. आओ मनाये छोटी-छोटी खुशियाँ,
तभी हँसेगी साथ हमारे दुनियाँ|
रंगों के साथ बिखेरो ढेरो खुशियाँ,
तभी झूमेगी साथ हमारे दुनियाँ|

4. जब-जब होली आई,
साथ अपने खुशियाँ लाई|
रंगों की सौगात लाई,
अपनों का प्यार लाई|

5. प्यार के रंग से भरी पिचकारी,
स्नेह के रंग में डूबी साड़ी,
सुनो ना जाने कौन क्या ना बोली,
आपको मुबारक हो अपनापन होली।

6. होली आयी
सतरंगी रंगो की गुलजार लायी,
धेर साड़ी मिठाई और मीठा मीठा प्यार
आप की जिंदगी हो मिते प्यार और खुशियां से,
जिस्म सामाए सौतन रंग याहि शुभकामन है हमारी।

7. कढ़म प्रति कुशियन राधे,
गम से कबि न हो समाना,
जिन्दगी मुख्य हर पल खुशियां नसीब हो,
मेरी तराफ़ से होली की सुभकामना

9. “सदा हँसते रहो मुस्कुराते रहो,
जैसी हँसते है फुल,
दुनिया के सरे गम भुला दो और चारो तरफ़ फैलाओ खुशियों के गीत,
मुबारक हो आपको होली के रीत।”

10. “दिल में उमंग लिए, हाथों में रंग लिए |
मन में खुशियाँ लिए, अपनों को संग लिए|
बुजुर्गो का आशीर्वाद लिए, बच्चों का प्यार लिए|
रंगों का खुमार लिए, होली का त्योहार लिए|”

Holi Messages in English

A true relation doesn’t need to speak loud about the love and affection between two persons; some soft words are enough to express the heartiest feelings. The same goes with Holi wishes. If you wish to send Holi messages in English to your dear friends, family members, and relatives, just let your heart speak for your feelings. Are you not a professional writer or poet? Well, this does not matter at all. But, to make your Holi wishes sweet and directly from the heart, we have listed some cute, soft, affectionate, and warm Holi messages for you. Check them out below:

Holi Messages in English

1. May this Holi bring bright and vibrant colors of happiness in your life and fill your life with excitement and a bit of adventure as well! Happy Holi, my dear friend!!

2. Holi is indeed the aptest time to celebrate the presence of every special person in our life. With the bright colors of Holi, I wish our beautiful relationship grow more and more vibrant and blissful. Happy Holi, my love!!

3. Let us fill the air around us with the blissful colors and renew our love on this Holi. I love you, sweetheart, and I wish I can celebrate my Holi with you rest of my life. Happy Holi, baby!!

4. I want to express my love and respect with the bright colors of Holi and make this day a special one. Happy Holi Mumma and Papa!!

5. May this Holi be the best time for you, my dearest friend! Wishing you good health and prosperity on this Holi, and May God shower his blessings on you. ― Happy Holi

6. I wish this Holi brings lots and lots of happiness and peaceful seasons and days filled with colors of happiness in your life. I wish you a very Happy Holi!!

7. I hope this Holi helps you frame your life with all the bright rainbow colors making your life happier and joyful. I am sending out the happiest Holi colors to you. Happy Holi, darling!!

8. My only motto for this Holi is to reach out to every special person in my life with the colors of joy to spread happiness. And, my dearest friend, you are the first on my list. Happy Holi, dearest friend!!

9. Holi is the best time to unwind and de-stress your life. So, start to make a new bond with happiness. I am sending you delicious sweets, Thandai, and blissful colors. Happy Holi!!

10. May the colors of Holi make your life more colorful, happy, and joyful! ― Wish you a very Happy Holi

Holi Messages in Hindi

Given below are some of the best Holi messages in Hindi, perfect for reflecting your warm wishes to your dear ones. These messages are perfect for wishing your parents and grandparents a very Happy Holi with respect, love, affection, and honor.

Holi Messages in Hindi

1. मुबारक हो आपको होली के गीत
खुशियों से भर जाए आपकी झोली
आप सबको मेरी तरफ़ से हैप्पी होली.

2. चली पिचकारी उड़ा है गुलाल,
रंग बरसे नीले हारे लाल,
मुबारक हो आपको रंगबी रंगी होली।

3. आप का जीवन खुशियों और रंगों से भर दे
फाल्गुन का ये प्यारा सा त्यौहार
रंगपंचमी के सारे रंग आपके जीवन को खुशिया लायें।

4. तुम भी झूमे मस्ती में,
हम भी झूमे मस्ती में,
शोर हुआ सारी बस्ती में..
झूमे सब होली की मस्ती में..
मुबारक हो होली भीगी मस्ती में!

5. रंगों की आंखमिचौली,
खुशियों की आई टोली|
पकवानों की आई थैली,
अपनों के संग खेलो होली|

6. कान्हा की पिचकारी और राधा की साड़ी,
खुशियों के रंग से, आओ रंगे दुनिया सारी|
पकवानों के भीड़ और रंग-बिरंगी थाली,
मुबारख हो आपको यह होली हमारी|

7. वृन्दावन की होली लठमार,
मथुरा की होली फुलमार|
रंगों की आई फुहार,
मुबारख हो होली का त्योहार|

8. जला दो सारी बुराइयाँ,
मिटा दो सारी गलत-फैमियाँ|
अपना लो सारी अच्छाईयाँ,
मुबारख हो होली की रंगीलियाँ|

9. बचपन के रंगों से सजी होली,
जवानी के उल्लास से भरी होली|
बुढ़ापे के तजुर्बे से भींगी होली,
फिर से खेलो यह रंग बिरंगी होली|

10. ईश्वर करे आपकी जिन्दगी का हर दिन हर आने वाला पल प्यार, सुख, समृधि, आनंद, कामयाबी, और सेहत के रंगों से सरोबर हो जाय।

Happy Holi Wishes for Family

Here we have listed some of the best and most heartfelt Holi wishes for family members and relatives. You can send them as a text message, on What’s App, or with a greeting card to wish your loved ones with your warm Holi wishes and regards:

Happy Holi Wishes for Family

1. Dear Mama and Papa, I hope you succeed in digging out the colors of peace, harmony, and happiness in yourself this Holi. Keep spreading the color of love everywhere.” ― Happy Holi to your both!

2. On this Holi, let us celebrate the color of our beautiful bonding and your presence in my life. I never want to lose you both. Wish you a colorful Holi Dad and Mom!”

3. May all your days is filled with joy, and your nights are stress-free with this Holi! Sending out happiness and joy with the colorful shades of red, green, yellow, purple & blue! ― Happy Holi!

4. Dear Mom and Dad, you have always taught me that life is the most beautiful festival. We should enjoy every day full of happiness and colors. On this Holi, I am sending lots and lots of happiness with bright Holi colors. Happy Holi!!

5. Dear Mom, my favorite color has always been you, and my favorite place to celebrate Holi is in your lap. This Holi, I am sending my wishes and my part of happiness to you.― Happy Holi!

6. To my dearest day and mom, I wish you both have a colorful and joyous Holi together! May the color of happiness fulfill your life’s journey and fill it with utmost happiness! Happy Holi!!

7. With every Holi color, I am sending something very special to your Grand Maa and Grand Paa. White is for peace, red is for power, yellow is for knowledge, and pink is for my unconditional love for you both. May this Holi add all the colors to your life. Happy Holi Grand Paa and Maa!!

8. I knew that a true and caring relationship like ours needs no special gifts to speak loud our feelings. I am sending you lots and lots of happiness, baby, on this Holi!! I wish you a very Happy Holi, my dearest husband!

9. God has painted the canvas of my life by sending you to me, my dearest wife. I am sending you the most beautiful and brightest colors to signify our colorful love on this Holi. May these colors sprinkle my love, peace, good luck, success, and joy at every step of yours! Happy Holi, my beloved!

10. With the bright colors of Holi swipe left all the dark nights of sadness and stress as your genie is at your service, darling. Happy Holi, sweetheart!

Short Holi Messages

Short Holi Messages

1. Holi is the festival representing love and togetherness. I want to enjoy this day with you. Wishing you a happy Holi!

2. May this colorful festival fill your boring life with colors! I wish you and your family a very happy and colorful Holi!

3. You know why Holi is my favorite festival? Because Holi fills my life with colors as you did.

4. If I can send something from heaven to you, I would send you the brightest color to say Happy Holi.

5. May the spirit of Holi bring you joy, peace, happiness, and the best for your life! Happy Holi!!

6. Let us make this most colorful festival of Holi a memorable one by splashing colors of happiness and love on each other. Happy Holi!

7. Let us welcome this festival of colors together with joy & jubilation!

8. Make merry with colors on Holi and win over the evils inside you!

9. Holi is the best time to express love with colors. So, will you fill my boring life with your color smile?

10. Colors of happiness
Colors of friends
Colors of love
And the color of prosperity.
On this Holi, I am sending you every color!
Happy Holi!

Happy Holi Poems

The poems reach directly to the receiver’s heart. Hence, whenever you have to express your love to someone, a beautiful collection of Holi poems available here will surely help you understand the glorious spirit of the Holi festival. Send these Holi poems for the festival and level up your warm wishes.

Happy Holi Poems

Happy Holi

“The trees smile with their sprout
of tender leaves and blooming flowers,
Eternal nature with its transient expression.
Hails spring with ecstasy and joy!
Bewildering shades with so many tinges
The land of beauty and greatness,
India, witnessing color of happiness and peace.
Nation come alive to enjoy the spirit
A celebration of color- Holi!
An experience of content, harmony, and delight.”

Holi Blues

“I am dreaming of playing with colors and gulal,
It is the Holi celebration, after all.
I can’t play inside my home; the carpets will get tainted,
I cant’ play it in the yard; the grass and outer walls will get painted.
I thought I would go to the temple
and enjoy the traditional Holi festivities,
Once again, I am banned from playing with colors inside the temple,
I can’t play the drums and sing “Holi hai” outside, as the neighbors don’t like the noise.”

Holika Dahan

“Year after year
purity of fire
is challenged by evil,
appeased with offerings
A full moon looks on
as winds stoke embers,
flare flames
to a flickering dance
Right in the center
of crimson blaze
sits Holika,
Prahlad in her lap –
her arms a circle of heat.”

“होली आई , खुशियाँ लाई
खेले राधा सँग कन्हाई
फैन्के इक दूजे पे गुलाल
हरे , गुलाबी ,पीले गाल
प्यार का यह त्योहार निराला
खुश है कान्हा सँग ब्रजबाला
चढा प्रेम का ऐसा रँग
मस्ती मे झूम अन्ग-अन्ग
आओ हम भी खेले होली
नही देन्गे कोई मीठी गोली
हम खेले शब्दो के सँग
भावो के फैन्केगे रन्ग
रन्ग-बिरन्गे भाव दिखेन्गे
आज हम होली पे लिखेन्गे
चलो होलिका सब मिल के जलाएँ
एक नया इतिहास बनाएँ
जलाएँ उसमे बुरे विचार
कटु-भावो का करे तिरस्कार
नफरत की दे दे आहुति
आज लगाएँ प्रेम भभूति
प्रेम के रन्ग मे सब रन्ग डाले
नफरत नही कोई मन मे पाले
सब इक दूजे के हो जाएँ
आओ हम सब होली मनाएँ”

“तुमको रंग लगाना है
होली आज मनाना है।
प्रतिकार करो इनकार करो
पर रगों को स्वीकार करो
रगों से तुम्हें नहलाना है
होली आज मनाना है।
भर पिचकारी बौछार जो मारी
भीगी चुनरी भीगी साड़ी
अपने ही रंग में रंगवाना है
होली आज मनाना है।
अबीर गुलाल तो बहाना है
दूरियाँ दिलों की मिटाना है
तो कैसा ये शरमाना है
होली आज मनाना है।
~अंशुमन शुक्ल”

“होली है भई होली है,
बुरा न मानो होली है!
आऒ मिल के खुशियाँ मनाएं,
अपनों को हम रंग लगाएँ!
फूलों से हम खेलें होली,
बचत करें हम पानी की!
सब मिल कर जोर से गाएं,
बुरा न मानो होली है!
किसी को ना ठेस पहुचाएं,
नए नए पकवान खाएं और खिलाएं!
खुद भी रंग लगाएं
और दूसरों पर भी अबीर लगायें
टोली बना कर गाएं हम सब
बुरा न मानो होली है!”

Holi Playlist 2021

Do you wish to celebrate Holi in Bollywood style? Well, why not, as we have grown up watching movies celebrating Holi with fun parties, organic colors, mouth-watering Thandai, rain dancing, and, of course, loud music. Like every other party, the Holi celebration can be level up with an amazing Holi playlist 2021. Here, we have listed many evergreen Bollywood Holi songs perfect to gear up Holi celebration. Play these songs and make your party B-town like:

Holi Playlist 2021

1. Rang Barse – Silsila (1981)
Singer: Amitabh Bachchan
Music: Shiv-Hari
Lyrics: Dr. Harivansh Rai Bachchan

2. Holi Ke Din – Sholay (1975)
Singers: Kishore Kumar, Lata Mangeshkar
Music: R. D. Burman
Lyrics: Anand Bakshi

3. Go Pagal – Jolly LLB 2 (2017)
Singers: Raftaar,Nindy Kaur
Music: Manj Musik
Lyrics: Manj Musik,Raftaar

4. Balam Pichkari – Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani (2013)
Singers: Shalmali Kholgade, Vishal Dadlani
Music: Pritam
Lyrics: Amitabh Bhattacharya

5. Gali Gali – Pataakha (2018)
Singers: Sukhwinder Singh
Music: Vishal Bhardwaj
Lyrics: Gulzar

6. Soni Soni – Mohabbatein (2000)
Singers: Udit Narayan, Various
Music: Jatin-Lalit
Lyrics: Anand Bakshi

7. Holi Khele Raghuveera – Baghban (2003)
Singers: Udit Narayan, Amitabh Bachchan, Sukhwinder Singh, Alka Yagnik
Music: Aadesh Srivastava
Lyrics: Sameer

8. Lahu Muh Lag Gaya – Goliyon ki Raasleela Ram-Leela (2013)
Singers: Shail Hada
Music: Sanjay Leela Bhansali
Lyrics: Siddharth-Garima

9. Do Me a Favor Let’s Play Holi – Waqt – The Race Against Time (2005)
Singers: Anu Malik, Sunidhi Chauhan
Music: Anu Malik
Lyrics: Sameer

10. Badri ki Dulhaniya – Badrinath ki Dulhaniya (2017)
Singers: Dev Negi, Neha Kakkar, Monali Thakur, Ikka
Music: Tanishk Bagchi
Lyrics: Shabbir Ahmed

11. Holi Ke Din – Sholay (1975)
Singers: Kishore Kumar, Lata Mangeshkar
Music: R. D. Burman
Lyrics: Anand Bakshi

12. Chhan Ke Mohalla – Action Replay
Singer: Sunidhi Chauhan and Ritu Pathak
Music: Pritam
Lyrics: Irshad Kamil

13. Holiya Me Ude Re Gulal – Ila Arun
Singer: Ila Arun
Music: Ila Arun
Lyrics: Ila Arun

14. Jai Jai Shivshankar – War
Singer: Vishal Dadlani, Benny Dayal
Music: Vishal and Shekhar
Lyrics: Kumaar

15. Aaj Na Chodenge -Kati Patang
Singer: Kishore Kumar and Lata Mangeshkar
Music: R.D. Burman
Lyrics: Anand Bakshi

16. Ang Se Ang Lagana – Darr
Singer: Alka Yagnik, Vinod Rathod, Sudesh Bhosle, Devki Pandit
Music: Shiv-Hari
Lyrics: Anand Bakshi

17. Holi – Padmaavat
Singer: Richa Sharma and Shail Hada
Music: Sanjay Leela Bhansali
Lyrics: Traditional

18. Holi Re Holi – Paraya Dhan (1971)
Singer: Asha Bhosle, Manna Dey
Music: R. D. Burman
Lyrics: Anand Bakshi

19. Holi Khelein – Begum Jaan (2017)
Singer: Shreya Ghoshal & Anmol Malik
Music: Anu Malik
Lyrics: Kausar Munir

20. Holi Aayi Re Kanhai – Mother India
Singer: Lata Mangeshkar, Shamshad Begum
Music: Naushad Ali
Lyrics: Shakeel Badayuni

Final Words:-

Holi is not only a festival dedicated to sweets and colors. This kaleidoscopic festive celebration reminds us of “Truth and Humanity are invincible forces in the Universe.” From Krishna and Radha’s divine love to Narashima and Prahlada’s methodological characters, Holi has taught us several things important for human life. Celebrate Holi and let your goodness defeat the devil inside you first. These heartfelt Happy Holi wishes 2021 help you send your love and blessings to friends and family.

You can either put any Holi quote aforementioned in the greeting card or send them as a text message to wish Happy Holi. With greeting cards, send Holi gifts online as well to your close ones with This is one of India’s most popular and reputable online gift stores, loaded with the aptest gifts for every occasion. To make your Holi special, browse through our Holi special gift catalogs and bag the best Holi gift online at a reasonable price. So, what are you waiting for!!

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